When High Tech Companies Are Good Stocks to Invest In

When there is a recession, the economy dwindles, there are thousands of job losses and real estate sales fall.  An investor trading stock during a recession will soon become distrustful of improvement, doubting what good stocks to invest in are and will begin to sell their stock shares.  During these times stocks in companies specializing in non-essential or technical items is a scary investment for many traders.

Shares in Technology

Instead of the high tech shares, they often switch to stocks in companies who endorse food products and/or health services.  Are these good stocks to invest in right now?  Many investors will answer with a definite yes because these are public services that will always be in demand.  Dividend paying stocks during this time need to completely researched, to avoid overpaying for shares.  Good stocks to invest in 2010 were health services and these stocks continue to be in demand, but can be found at decent prices.

Rock Bottom Prices

Researching what are good stocks to invest in requires looking for companies that do not have negative news regarding their business.  When the shares hit rock bottom prices and the negative data from the company subsides, then buy shares in the company.  In the majority of scenarios, if a company has negative reports and a drop in stock prices, they will most likely have a reverse in trends.

Spread the Wealth

Finding good stocks to invest in, means to diversify your portfolio.  If you focus on primarily one niche of investments, you are taking a risk for lose.  Whereas if you have stocks in various arenas, you are no longer dependent on one particular area for increased profits.  For example, during a recession the tech stock you have may decrease, but increase following the recession.  Instead of having to sell all shares you own, spread the investments among technology that will gradually increase as well as food and health that will continually increase.

The Reverse Mortgage Disadvantages Are Whoppers

There are many retirees out there who are in a world of hurt.  The economy has all but killed the American dream of retirement.  Trying to work until they are forced out, many seniors find that they just cannot survive on the pittance of a pension that they receive and social security is little more than a stipend.  For this reason, many of them are telling their heirs that there is no such thing as Santa Clause.  It is starve or sell the home.  There is another option, however, that many are considering, the reverse mortgage.

Standing Toe To Toe

The reverse mortgages pros and cons, when stood toe to toe, look at first to be quite lopsided.  It really appears that the pros far outweigh the reverse mortgage disadvantages… at first glance, that is.  When you really get a good look at the reverse mortgage disadvantages, however, you begin to realize that the pros are fluffed up to look bigger by agents and companies that want the business.

A Bunch of Whoppers

The reverse mortgages disadvantages are whoppers, even if there are only a few of them.  You have to have reached the age of 62 to receive the loan.  The interest is really big and there are huge up front fees involved.  The reverse mortgages pros and cons have to be scrutinized with a magnifying glass to see the details, but they are right there in black and white.  On the pros side of the coin, however, you do no have to repay the loan as long as you live in the house that you cherish so much.

Better Than the Alternative

The worst of the reverse mortgage disadvantages is that your children will never get to live in the home or benefit from its equity.  This is really sad if any of the children wanted to move into the place once you were gone.  The reverse mortgages pros and cons are hard to digest, but it is better than the hardships that are its alternative.