Tag: Tax credit

  • Tax Filing Tips For Taxes From TurboTax.com

    As the deadline for filing 2013 taxes approaches, beginners are faced with a much bigger challenge. Many of them do not know that there are fines and penalties for missing the deadline. That is because they have never filed tax returns in the past. Mistakes are more likely going to be made, but proper preparation can help to minimize errors. For instance, putting all your financial records for the previous tax year in one place may help.

    When filing for the first time, it is important that you consider getting help from a tax preparer. Alternatively, you can use a tax filing service like TurboTax.com to do your own taxes without help. The service can help you with both state and federal tax filing. TurboTax.com can make the process of filing 2013 taxes a pleasant experience for you. By simply answering a series of simple questions about your finances, TurboTax.com will enable you to claim all the tax deductions, credits and benefits for which you qualify, thereby helping you to increase your tax refund or reduce the amount of tax you are supposed to pay. While experience can teach you everything you need to know about taxes, TurboTax.com can be very helpful to first time tax filers.

    Kara DeFrias
    Kara DeFrias (Photo credit: TEDxCoMo (Columbia, MO))

    During childhood, the word taxes may have meant very little to you. However, taxes may be the most important word in your adult life. To learn more about tax credits, deductions, filing deadlines and other important tax-related information, you may want to visit www.TurboTax.com. The site has everything you need to file your taxes correctly.

  • Tax Carnival Ecstasy – May 9, 2013

    Online Investing?
    Online Investing? (Photo credit: Monkey Mash Button)

    Welcome to the May 9, 2013 edition of Tax Carnival Ecstasy. We begin with a post from James Powell on credit and benefit changes for 2013 that is quite interesting. Bill Smith looks at how TurboTax has changed in the current year. And finally John Schmoll has a number of online brokers that he likes to use. Hope you enjoy all the articles, bookmark, share on your social sites, and come back real soon for more tax topics.


    James Powell presents Tax Credits and Benefits Changes 2013 – How They Will Affect You : Tax Credits posted at Tax Credits, saying, “This post will look at how the changes in tax credits will affect you in 2013.”


    Bill Smith presents Innovations For Turbo Tax 2013 posted at 2013 Taxes, saying, “Professional accounting can help business owners save time and resources, and the Turbo Tax 2013 CPA Select edition by Intuit may be the ideal solution for tax filing season.”


    Jebelle presents LIFE is what you make it: HEALTH is WEALTH posted at LIFE is what you make it, saying, “earn even retired”

    John Schmoll presents Online Brokerages I Use: OptionsHouse Review posted at Frugal Rules, saying, “There are many online brokerages to use as you look to invest in the stock market. The good ones are there to meet your needs and help make sure you’re doing what you can to be investing for things like retirement.”

    tax law

    Bill Smith presents Senate Bill On Internet Taxes Passes First Hurdle posted at FastSwings, saying, “Recently, the United States Senate passed a bill concerning Internet tax collection.”


    Bill Smith presents Estimate Your Tax Refund With The Free TurboTax Taxcaster posted at 2013 Taxes, saying, “Tax time is drawing near and like most other Americans, you need to file and prepare your taxes to avoid penalties and late fees from the Internal Revenue Service.”


    Bill Smith presents The Benefits Of TurboTax 2013 posted at 2013 Taxes, saying, “When you are planning to file your income tax return, you want simplicity, accuracy, and options. You will have these benefits and more with TurboTax 2013.”

    That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of tax carnival ecstasy using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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    Technorati tags: tax carnival ecstasy, blog carnival.


  • Saving Money With The Child Tax Credit

    Saving Money With The Child Tax Credit

    A lot of Canadians have no idea they qualify for the Child Tax Credit or what it is. They think it is for low income families, or they have altogether never heard of this credit. Even if you are okay without the rebate, Turbo Tax 2013 encourages you to make a claim.

    English: Pic for WikiProject Political parties...
    English: Pic for WikiProject Political parties and politicians in Canada (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

    The tax assessor’s office should be aware of any children in your household born before the end of 2012. For every child born into a Canadian household during the fiscal year (even late in December), it is possible to enjoy a rebate on taxes. When you fill out your Turbo Tax 2013 forms, make sure this section is completed thoroughly. For every child in your home you could be receiving a Child Tax Credit which amounts to a hundred or a few hundred dollars every month.

    The Child Tax Credit was implemented to help families earning under a certain amount annually. It is not specific to locations: if you live in an area where cost of living is high, meaning wages are also high, this is not part of the calculation.

    The Canadian government is simply looking at how much money a single individual earns or the joint income of a family. They automatically decide whether or not to grant a parent or parents this credit based on income. If your earnings have decreased recently, you could see your first tax rebate soon. Keep this in mind if you are currently filling out your Turbo Tax 2013 forms and expect a refund in the mail.

  • Why Use a Tax Accountant?

    If you’ve ever tried to do your own taxes by hand, you know just how difficult it can be. If you’re not well-versed with IRS tax codes, you can really be sure that you are getting the maximum amount of deductions and credits that you are entitled to. If you are unsure of how to do a tax return or how to engage in tax planning, hiring a qualified tax accountant could be in your best interests.

    Tax Planning

    Hiring a tax accountant can provide you with the help you need in planning out your taxes. While most people simply go about their business and then file a tax return at the end of the year, others are proactive about saving money on taxes. By taking certain steps throughout the year, you can lower your taxable income and the amount of taxes that you have to pay. If you are running a business, there are a number of deductions that you can take that others are not entitled to. For example, you can deduct any supplies or equipment that you buy from your taxable income. A qualified tax accountant will be able to look at your business situation and determine what areas you could save money in.

    Filing Returns

    In addition to planning out your tax saving strategies, and accountant can also help you file your tax return. At the end of the year, the Internal Revenue Service expects you to file a tax return and report all of your income and expenses. This process can be very confusing if you do not have any experience with it. An accountant will be able to take your financial records and come up with the necessary information for your tax return.

    If you have a business and a personal tax return to handle, separating the two can be difficult. A good tax accountant can help you file both tax returns and make sure that each area of your financial life is divided appropriately.

    Avoiding Audit

    If you do not complete your tax return correctly you were you leave something out, the Internal Revenue Service may audit your return. When an audit occurs, the IRS may disallow certain deductions or credits that you claim if they are not legitimate. A qualified accountant will be able to look at your return and see if anything looks out of the ordinary. Certain items are more likely to trigger audits by the IRS. A good accountant will be able to see if your return looks like it might be selected for audit or if it is fine.

    If you’ve ever tried to do your own taxes by hand, you know just how difficult it can be. If you’re not well-versed with IRS tax codes, you can really be sure that you are getting the maximum amount of deductions and credits that you are entitled to. If you are unsure of how to do a tax return or how to engage in tax planning, hiring a qualified tax accountant could be in your best interests.

    Tax Planning

    Hiring a tax accountant can provide you with the help you need in planning out your taxes. While most people simply go about their business and then file a tax return at the end of the year, others are proactive about saving money on taxes. By taking certain steps throughout the year, you can lower your taxable income and the amount of taxes that you have to pay. If you are running a business, there are a number of deductions that you can take that others are not entitled to. For example, you can deduct any supplies or equipment that you buy from your taxable income. A qualified tax accountant will be able to look at your business situation and determine what areas you could save money in.

    Filing Returns

    In addition to planning out your tax saving strategies, and accountant can also help you file your tax return. At the end of the year, the Internal Revenue Service expects you to file a tax return and report all of your income and expenses. This process can be very confusing if you do not have any experience with it. An accountant will be able to take your financial records and come up with the necessary information for your tax return.

    If you have a business and a personal tax return to handle, separating the two can be difficult. A good tax accountant can help you file both tax returns and make sure that each area of your financial life is divided appropriately.

    Avoiding Audit

    If you do not complete your tax return correctly you were you leave something out, the Internal Revenue Service may audit your return. When an audit occurs, the IRS may disallow certain deductions or credits that you claim if they are not legitimate. A qualified accountant will be able to look at your return and see if anything looks out of the ordinary. Certain items are more likely to trigger audits by the IRS. A good accountant will be able to see if your return looks like it might be selected for audit or if it is fine.


    If you are interested in hiring an accountant to handle your taxes, make sure that you do your homework first. You have to put a lot of faith in an accountant and you do not want to simply hire anyone. Get some referrals and find out how long the accountant has been in business. If you find a good accountant, it can make your life a lot easier overall.

    If you are interested in hiring an accountant to handle your taxes, make sure that you do your homework first. You have to put a lot of faith in an accountant and you do not want to simply hire anyone. Get some referrals and find out how long the accountant has been in business. If you find a good accountant, it can make your life a lot easier overall.

    This article was written by the tax accounting experts at Tax Resolution Centre.  http://www.taxresolutioncentre.ca/

  • Money Saving Tips For Taxes

    If you want money saving, one area you might be considering saving in is taxes. There are many potential reasons you could get a tax break. Therefore, before filing, make sure you look into them. Here are 4 categories that might qualify:

    Job search

    First of all, if you switched jobs, started a business, or conducted a job search, you could qualify. You can claim the job search expenses, such as making resume copies, placement agency costs and attending seminars for careers. If you had moving costs related to your new job, this could be tax deductible. The tax moves deduction just depends on how far you moved, and how long you spent. To qualify for any of these, the job search expenses must have been at least 2% or more of the gross income for the year.

    Home office

    A lot of business owners are working from home today. If you use a portion of your house just for business and consistently for business, meet with clients in your house, or have a business portion of the house separate from the main home, you could qualify.


    If you had a baby, sent someone to a university, or put kids in daycare this year, you could qualify for deductions. Also, you can get deductions for every dependent you have.

    Education credits

    The American government gives tax credits and deductions to encourage more people to go to college. Therefore, if you, your spouse or your kids attended college this year, it could qualify for a tax credit.

    What cannot qualify

    The first $2400 you made from unemployment used to be tax free. However, this is no longer the case, as this provision ended as of 2010. This year, you have to pay taxes on all the unemployment benefits you might have gotten.


    When it comes to money saving, tax deductions are one of the best ways to save. Just evaluate your situation and see which you qualify for.