It definitely pays to file your taxes early, and according to the IRS about 14 million tax returns had been filed by the end of January, with just over 90 percent of thee filed electronically. These six reasons may help to convince you it’s a good idea to file early using free TurboTax online:
The average refund last year was about $2,800 and almost 75 percent of tax filers received a refund and of course a tax refund can be used for whatever you need it for.
Filing taxes with TurboTax early means that the IRS can send your information to FAFSA in plenty of time and this means that you can potentially receive financial aid for college, depending on your income.

Free TurboTax online is accurate and quick to use, and of course it is guaranteed to give you the most refund and to save you money. Standing in line at your local tax preparation office is a thing of the past with TurboTax and the system’s simple to answer questions will allow the program to search through over 350 credits and tax deductions.
If you file electronically with direct deposit, the IRS expects to issue 90 percent of tax refunds within 21 days, meaning that you can get that much needed tax refund as quickly as possible. You can save up to a couple of months of interest just by paying off debts such as credit cards sooner rather than later.
Many tax procrastinators make simple mistakes on their ta return such as putting down the wrong social security number or not signing their tax return. It is also very easy to rush through your ta return if you are trying to do it at the last possible minute, and filing your tax return ahead of time can avoid these errors and make sure that you take the time to do everything thoroughly and accurately.
TurboTax really can save you time and money and get you the biggest possible tax return as quickly as possible. Using free TurboTax online allows you to have more of your money to spend and to file your return completely and accurately.