
  • Tax Filing Tips For Taxes From

    As the deadline for filing 2013 taxes approaches, beginners are faced with a much bigger challenge. Many of them do not know that there are fines and penalties for missing the deadline. That is because they have never filed tax returns in the past. Mistakes are more likely going to be made, but proper preparation can help to minimize errors. For instance, putting all your financial records for the previous tax year in one place may help.

    When filing for the first time, it is important that you consider getting help from a tax preparer. Alternatively, you can use a tax filing service like to do your own taxes without help. The service can help you with both state and federal tax filing. can make the process of filing 2013 taxes a pleasant experience for you. By simply answering a series of simple questions about your finances, will enable you to claim all the tax deductions, credits and benefits for which you qualify, thereby helping you to increase your tax refund or reduce the amount of tax you are supposed to pay. While experience can teach you everything you need to know about taxes, can be very helpful to first time tax filers.

    Kara DeFrias
    Kara DeFrias (Photo credit: TEDxCoMo (Columbia, MO))

    During childhood, the word taxes may have meant very little to you. However, taxes may be the most important word in your adult life. To learn more about tax credits, deductions, filing deadlines and other important tax-related information, you may want to visit The site has everything you need to file your taxes correctly.

  • Tips on Doing Your Own Taxes

    If you would like to do your own taxes, you will be happy to know that the process is actually simpler than most people think. Paying tax accountants to prepare your taxes may not be the best option especially if your finances aren’t complicated. To do your own taxes, you will need three things; accurate records of your annual income, some basic knowledge of the country’s tax code, and adequate time to work on your returns. The following is a step-to-step guide on doing your own taxes. If you have any outstanding questions, make sure to post your question here.

    Income Tax Forms
    Income Tax Forms (Photo credit: Manchester Library)

    Tax Filing Tips
    Keep all your receipts for the year in an organized manner. Ideally, you should have a binder or a dedicated filing system for keeping all your tax-related documents. When it comes to doing your taxes, having everything neatly organized can be very helpful.

    Go over your expenses and decide whether to itemize or claim the standard deduction. You can do the calculations on your own and use the higher amount. You may want to consider taking the standard deduction if you do not have high medical costs, or if you don’t pay real estate taxes or a high mortgage interest rate.

    There are many tax forms, but the 1040 is the most popular. You will need to attach the W-2 form from your employer to show your annual income. If you have done some freelance work outside your regular working hours, you can declare it under business income if it exceeds $400.

    For accuracy and simplicity, consider filing online or using a tax software. For instance, you can use free software like TurboTax and TaxAct online. The USAA, as well as many other banks, offers eFile services free of charge. Therefore, you may want to check with your bank first to see if this service is offered.

    When filing your taxes, all you need to do is enter your personal details, annual income, tax credits and deductions into the appropriate tax forms or software. You can choose to send the W-2 form together with other forms, or enter the information in the corresponding boxes when eFiling. Tax forms usually have instructions to guide users on how to add and subtract different entries as required. Be sure to use a calculator for accuracy.

    After submitting your tax returns electronically or through mail, you will need to enter the details of your bank account for withdrawal or direct deposit. While you can simply write a check to the IRS, this is not a popular option. After filing, you will receive an email from the IRS confirming receipt of returns.

    Warnings and Tips

    If your finances are complicated, be sure to consult with tax accountants.

    Be sure to watch out for red flags because they can make your tax returns more likely to be selected for auditing.

  • IRS Options For Avoiding The President’s Day Rush

    The President’s Day is a holiday that forms part of the busiest times for IRS telephone lines. The wait can however be avoided as the IRS is equipped with easy options for taxpayers to find the answers they need. They can save time by visiting Below are some of the most frequently asked questions by taxpayers about taxes 2014 and how answers can be quickly found.

    Taxpayers always like to know the status of their refund. Most refunds are issued by the IRS in not more than 21 days. Status of a refund can be checked on the site or via the newly updated IRS2Go Smartphone app. to get the refund status; a taxpayer would need certain information from his or her tax return. The information is updated every day, so checking more often than that is not necessary.

    Internal Revenue Service
    Internal Revenue Service (Photo credit: LendingMemo)

    Some individuals may have missed getting a Form W-2. Employers are supposed to send this form, which is a Statement of Earnings, to their employees by 31st January. If someone has not gotten it by mid-February, he or she should first contact the employer to ensure they have the correct address in their records. Once all options with an employer have been exhausted, one can contact the IRS and they will send the employer a letter. It is however advisable to call when the President’s week has ended to avoid the long phone waiting times.

    A taxpayer may wonder if he or she can get a copy of their tax transcript or return. Such a copy can easily be ordered on the website, on the Smartphone app or by mailing a Form 4506-T to IRS. Others may wonder what happens if they cannot pay their Turbo Tax 2014 bill. If someone owes taxes but cannot pay, the Online Payment Agreement Tool can be used. The tool can help someone figure out if they are qualified for installment agreement with IRS in a few minutes. For those with more serious tax obligations, there is an Offer in Compromise Pre-Qualifier. It helps determine if someone qualifies for an IRS agreement in which his or her tax liability will be settled for an amount that is less than owed.

  • Income Tax Considerations And Changes

    Here are Income Tax Considerations: Politicians across the country debate about ways to fund worthwhile programs, and the new mayor of New York City has received considerable attention regarding his proposed agenda. Mayor de Blasio has outlined a progressive agenda aimed at funding after-school and early education programs, and his approach pushes for higher tax rates for wealthy individuals. You may have a lot of tax questions regardless of your income level, but using Turbo Tax 2013 may help you make sense of current and future tax scenarios.

    Bill de Blasio
    Bill de Blasio (Photo credit: Kevdiaphoto)

    Mayor de Blasio would like to impose a tax increase on residents who report an excess of $500,000 in taxable income, and he wants this tax increase to be in effect for five years. Taxes 2013 and beyond may be affected by such a measure, and the rate would move from 3.88% to 4.41% under the de Blasio proposal. New York city resident tax rates have been as high as 4.46% under previous administrations, and the additional funds were intended for education and crime prevention.

    A little over one percent of New York city residents would be affected, and the additional tax revenue raised would be approximately $500 million annually. This is in line with the goal of establishing continuous funding for education programs, and having this additional revenue may give Mayor de Blasio time to establish other funding sources once the higher tax rate has expired. Any discussion about proposed tax rate changes can lead to numerous questions, but Turbo Tax 2013 may help you find good ways to save at tax time.

  • Important Dates For Filing Your Tax Return Forms

    Important Dates For Filing Your 2013 Tax Return Forms

    As the year comes to an end, it is important to start thinking about filing your 2013 taxes. While it is true that taxes are not due on the first of the year, it is still important to understand the important dates on the IRS calendar for 2014. There are a few dates you should know.


    On the 15th all estimated taxes for the last quarter of 2013 are due. Also the 31st is the deadline for employers to send out tax information. This is also the deadline to file your 2013 tax return forms without penalty if you did not pay your taxes for the previous year.


    The 17th is the date when corporations must file their taxes by.


    The 15th is recognized as tax day for individuals and partnerships.

    June 16th

    If you got an extension on your individual tax return, then this is the date it is due. This only applies to military personnel and people traveling abroad.


    The 15th is the deadline for business extensions on tax returns to be filed.

    October 15th

    This is the due date for individuals who were granted a 6 month extension on their tax returns.

    Keep in mind that these are only dates that are specifically related to fling your 2013 tax return forms. There will be other dates you will want to keep in mind with your taxes and for these you can turn to the IRS website. Here you will find all the information you need as well as great resources for ensuring you pay your taxes correctly.